
Stirring the pot over at CNN Living...

  Thanks for leaving your thoughts on my post the other day about the food decor controversy.  First it was vegetable centerpieces shaking up the internet, now it's bookcases without books and animal decor.  It's not always easy to hear criticism,  but sometimes a little controversy is entertaining.  

I was interviewed for a few articles featured on this month.  Two of them caused a little stir. Check out the comments left on this one about using your bookcase for something other than books.  I should probably be offended that my thoughts on my halloween bookcase display made "Mysterioso" reach for his barf bag, but instead I appreciate his sense of humor and understand that he doesn't share in my passion for decorating.  

Another hot button article I was featured in was this article on regarding animal decor…I don't believe my living room was the space referred to as the "lovely room of death", but even if it was I'd still have to admit some of the comments were funny.

If I am being completely honest, some negative comments sting.  After five years of writing this blog, I've learned to deal with them by remembering that most times, they're not personal.  And when they are personal, you guys are always quick to have my back.  Thank you.

  Even though I am not always able to respond to every comment left here on the blog, I want you to know I appreciate them.  Have a great weekend.

For information on my affordable online design consultation service, click here
© Copyright 2013 The Yellow Cape Cod


  1. miserable people will always have negative things to say! You'll never make everyone happy but you got to where you are because you have great style! love your home :)

  2. I absolutely love your ideas, taste and decorating style! Keep up the good work!

  3. You're so talented and I adore your style. Haters will hate. Be yourself and know that you've been blessed with lots of followers that love your work.
    West of the Square Designs

  4. jcschecter@yahoo.comOctober 19, 2013 at 7:23 AM

    People can be rather mean when it's directed at others. Your posts are always great and thanks for being generous enough to share your great ideas!

  5. Do you do a french country style?

  6. So is it bad if some of my bookcases have decor items {instead of books} and some of my tables have books {instead of decor}? Actually, it's probably really bad that I tore apart a book to make a wreath out of now that I think about it... :)

  7. I hope the CNN person wasn't wearing any leather.....

  8. Saw your Houzz article, and ventured over here to your blog. You are an amazing and creative decorator. Could that really be the first time they've seen a bookcase with decor on it?! Keep going strong- you're wildly talented. Love it all!

  9. I say take any negative comments as a compliment that people are taking the time to look and comment. I have been following you for some time and your ideas are fresh and inspiring. You are a talented lady. Keep it coming, to those who try to make the most out of a middle class budget,you are the source to watch. I hope you realize how much of an inspiration you are!!!

  10. I hope you don't pay too much attention to those negative comments. I've noticed over time that it is always the negative hateful people who have the most to say and are bound to make themselves heard. Makes me think they want everyone to be as unhappy as they are.
