
31 Days of Building Character: Framing A Builder Mirror

Welcome to Day 31 of my 31 Day Series, Building Character.  I have really enjoyed writing this series.  I am so sad that today is the last day that I decided to periodically add to this series as we complete more character building projects in our builder grade home.

For my last (technically last) post, I would like to share how we gave our builder mirrors a custom look by adding a simple frame...

  Here is what they looked like before:



This project was very simple and very inexpensive.  It made a huge difference in our bathrooms.  Here is the after:

Since I completed this project before the birth of my blog, I didn't take pictures for a tutorial.  Here is a great step by step tutorial from one my favorite blogs.  The process she used to create her mirror frame is very similar to the steps I took to create mine.

Thank you for reading my 31 Day Series on how we gave our builder grade home character. 
To view the entire 31 Day Series, Please Click Here.
For information on my affordable design services, Please Click Here.   


  1. Love it! I'm definitely going to do this for ours. What a difference!!!

  2. Love this, thanks for sharing. Wondering... Did you put the molding right over the mirror clips?

  3. I've been wanting to do this for awhile. This looks great!

  4. kmberly817@frontier.comMarch 23, 2012 at 9:35 AM

    On the before pictures, it looks like you have the clips that hold the mirror in place. How did you work with those? The link you provided did not know how to work with the clip?

  5. Would also love to know how you worked around the mirror clips... PLEASE help!! :)

  6. Thanks for the great question guys. I am actually in the process of writing a complete tutorial on this project. In the meantime, I used my dremmel to notch out the back of the wood before gluing it to the mirror. Hope that helps for now, please come back for a full tut after Easter.

    I appreciate your visit and your questions:)
