
Nautical Christmas 2010

The Boys' Room didn't make it in time for my Christmas Home Tour this year.  

We were a little behind due to our hectic schedules. 

Better Late than Never...

They decorated their tree with hand made ornaments from years past,

red, white and blue bulbs and nautical accessories.

  Including their first pair of baby boating shoes.

The matching red robes were a gift from Grandma.

They wear them Christmas morning.

I added a few fresh greens from around the yard.

And Mother Nature provided this view from their window. 

 -11 degrees is pretty from inside...

Merry Christmas to your Little Ones.


  1. I love all things nautical, including your boy's tree. Well done!

  2. It was lovely to spend time on your blog this morning! Beautiful the sentimental touches throughout! Happy holidays to you and your family this season.

  3. LOVE IT!! My spare bedroom is all nautical. If I had enough room for a tree I would totally do this!

  4. Love your tree! I've always wanted to do a nautical tree since we live on the coast and my husband is a naval officer in the Navy. You've got me dreaming ~ maybe I can pull it off next year.


  5. The tree is so cute and I love the boating shoes! I sure wish I had that view. Snow would sure make it feel like Christmas!

  6. love, love, love your home! everything is so beautiful! love the nautical theme... i'm your newest follower;)

  7. I love it--right down to the matching red robes!!

  8. came across your blog from the tour of homes with the nester. I absouletly love your home and I'm anew follower as well. Just started blogging myself this week.

  9. What a great idea to put trees in the kids' rooms! I love the nautical theme and the memories from the homemade ornaments. And that stripe around the room is lovely!

  10. Hi! I absolutely love your blog! As a thank you for sharing your creativity, ideas and passion, I want to give you the Stylish Blog Award...
    Stylish Blogger Award Rules for accepting this award are:
    1. Thank & link back to the person who awarded you this.

    2. Share 7 things about yourself.

    3. Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great bloggers.

    4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their Blog Award!

    You can get the award off of my post, just save it as a pic: Merry Christmas

  11. The Nautical design for the holiday is so fun!!

    Come and enter my Giveaway from My Sparrow, you will love it!

    Joyeaux Noel!

    Art by Karena

  12. I adore your blog! I didn't see a way of emailing or contacting you. Would you send me an email? Thanks!

  13. The baby nautical shoes are adorable. My dad wears shoes like that when he goes out on his sailboat. Shoot I want to buy some just to hang somewhere. I'm enjoying your blog. :)
