
Family Command Center

{To read my response to the controversy that erupted over this project, please {click here}.}

Now that I am back to work, things are a lot different in our house. In an effort to stay somewhat organized, I have taken some unused space in our hallway and turned it into a command center.

Each child has a tote bag with their clothes for the day, lunch money and special notes from Mom. The chalk board reminds them of their daily responsibilities.

I added iron hooks to the existing shelf. ($3 each)

I printed the childrens names from my computer onto iron on transfer paper to make the personalized totes. ($2 each tote)

The photos can be changed out with each season. I stuck green hydrangeas in these cute urns for a little pop of color.  The chalkboard was made out of MDF and chalk board paint. ($6 for the sheet of MDF and $8 for a can of chalk board paint)

Maybe our mornings will be a little less hectic. If not, at least my hall looks cuter.
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  1. that looks awesome! well done! i am a fan of chalkboards too!!
    i'm following you!
    come visit me when you have a chance!

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by and your sweet comments on the blog! :)

    This is amazing, great organized chaos!! I only have 1 little one right now, but I'm tucking this away in my idea file. Thanks for sharing, it looks beautiful!

  3. This is so cute and such a good idea. I saw you were a new follower and I wanted to come over and say hello. I can't wait to explore the rest of your blog. Right now at the top of my screen is a pic of your daughter's room I'm dying to click on. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh darn, its' not a link. I love everything else I saw while looking for it though.

  6. I absolutely love everything about this. I'm going to post it today and link to you if you don't mind.

  7. Wonderful idea! We are building a house right now, and will have a great space for a chalk board/bulleting board, so I might adapt this idea for our mud room!

    One question - what's 'Mom's choice'?

  8. How adorable!!! It looks great and functional - the best of both worlds!

  9. I think this is a great idea for those with nice big houses I thought. Then I looked up from the computer to the huge blank wall as you walk out of our kitchen. I showed the photo to my husband and even he liked the idea. Hopefully he will make something like it for me soon.
    Shannon C

  10. Great idea! I need a wall like this in our laundry/mud room. The shelf with hooks would be especially useful - maybe hubby would stop hanging his coat on doors and chairs!

  11. Love it! I wish I had done that in my laundry room. I will have to post some pictures soon! I just love your ideas!

  12. Ooohhh... love it! I have a similar set up, but I love the simplicity of yours with the chalkboard underneath... clever! Filed at Thanks for sharing!

  13. We have a command center that's very similiar - but out totes are cloth buckets from Lowe's and we have 5 one for each day of the week - in each bucket are socks, underwear, and clothes for that day for my four kids. I love it because on Sunday I load all the buckets and if I get behind on laundry during the week, it's okay because I know the kids have clothes for hte next day!

  14. Love it!!!! Cute, stylish and functional. Isn't it great when projects turn out so well?!!

  15. Yep, this is fanTABulous! So pretty and functional!! =-D

  16. Just lovely, and functional! I think this is a fabulous idea. :)

  17. What an awesome idea! I actually like the idea of using the bags to collect everybody's random items throughout the day (the "stuff" that builds up), and then having everybody put their things back where they belong at the end of the day. Thanks for the inspiration! And, yes, the hall certainly does look cute!

  18. It looks BEAUTIFUL!

    When we move into our new (old) house, I want to have something like this. I am a strong believer that when there is a system, there is more peace. Because everyone knows their tasks...

  19. One of the best things I've seen for a long time.
    Happy Day
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  20. thank you so much for posting this. I found your blog via I have been debating about whether to build something similar to the PB system or just buy it. I would have never thought to have used bags. Thanks for the idea. I think I will do the same thing, but for mail and other items that I haven't sorted yet.

  21. This is fantastic!! May I ask what your paint color is for the walls?

  22. This is such an awesome idea! Sending it to a friend that would totally love this!

  23. This is SO wonderful!!!! It is just the inspiration I needed today!!! I am going to start gathering the supplies to make our own for our homeschool area. Thank you so much!! You have solved an organizational problem that I was struggling with! :D

    Building Home with Him,

    Mary Joy

  24. So - you pick out their clothes and put them in the bag every night? This looks really great!

  25. What a cute idea! Just love that the chalkboard is down at the children's height for them to read!

  26. Brilliant idea! I think I would add an area for mail and notices/permission slips. Somehow they always manage to get misplaced until zero hour!
    Thank you for sharing this clever, creative and beautiful command center.


  27. What a great idea and so practical to - love the iron on tote bags ... these would make great gifts for kids!

  28. I love this...I need something like this in my home.

  29. Lovely! I keep saying I need something like this in our entryway and I love the clean lines of yours! You've inspired me for this weekends project!

  30. I love the idea, too. I also would love to know the paint color on your walls. :)

  31. Ugh...I think I am heading to get chalkboard paint first thing in the morning. Absolutley love this!


  32. This looks so great! I know, it's hard to work and have 4 kids! This is a great way of keeping everyone organized!

  33. Hello! I'm Kassandra from Coffee and their Kisses. I just love this idea! I hope you'll follow me back as well :o) Have a good day!

  34. You have the cutest ideas! I'm so happy I found one of these photos on Pinterest!

  35. This was such a great idea that I copied it for a remake shelf we put in the master bedroom! thanks for the inspiration-

  36. Beautiful! I'd love to feature this wall on my chalkboard party this upcoming weekend. I couldn't find an email... please let me know if you'd prefer I don't! :)


  37. Like the chalkboard idea and the totes for random things they need for the day. Not sure why you'd put their clothes out in the main area of the house instead of in their rooms, but other than that a very cool idea.

  38. This is a wonderful "command center" and I just wanted to let you know that I featured it in my post for today with a link back to your site. Here is the post ~

    Great idea and I'm your newest follower!

    Jenna, SAS Interiors

  39. This is a GREAT idea! I'm totally thinking about doing something like this now :) What a great idea and it doesn't look overwhelming at all.

  40. What a lovely project! I featured you today in a round-up of great command centers.

  41. Great idea. I love this! Congratulations. Kisses

  42. The shelf/hooks are great!!! I'm helping a friend look for something similar - thanks for the inspiration.


  43. What a great idea! Did you make the chalkboard and if so, how?

  44. I am so in love with this idea! You did a fabulous job of making it cute and functional. I will definitely be making something similar :) I shared your idea on my blog today:

  45. Would you mind letting us know the dimensions on the shelf??

  46. I featured you at:

    You are welcome to post the give-away on your blog. Just email me at

    Thanks for this great tip!


    1. Thanks, Renee! Off to check out your book...Thank you for stopping by and the feature!! Best, Sarah

  47. I found your blog through Renee's Joy Journey...I love this idea, it's my favorite of all those that are featured!! :-)

  48. Love this! Where did you find your shelf?

  49. I love this idea! And if it helps, I most definitely would assign my older more/"harder" tasks. Can a 12 year old load the dishwasher? Definitely. A 6 year old? Probably not.
